The Mentoring Scheme

The Fireflight Consulting Ltd Mentoring Scheme is specifically designed to provide a level of support and development to safety managers for small and medium operators within New Zealand. Rather than having a consultant come in and tell the company what they need to do, this scheme aims to help safety managers work through the issues, and come up with solutions on their own, while having the ‘back-up’ of having the results overseen by a dedicated safety manager.
An additional goal of this scheme will be the ability to collate safety information and be able to ‘benchmark’ an operator’s incidents against others of a similar size and operation type, as well as sharing ‘lessons learned’ without having to divulge and individual operator.
Those in our Mentorship Program will:
Attain confidence with operating an effective risk management program.
Gain back-up for their decisions.
Access to expert knowledge and advice.
Have a source of advice on current ‘best practice’ within the industry.
Get guidance and support during novel / new or stressful situations.
Get independent Risk Management advice.
Have access to independent advice to help eliminate or counter conflicts of interest if safety manager is currently working inside the company in another role.
Have access to templates for forms and processes.
Save time spent solving unique or novel problems.
How It Works
Enrolment is open to any person responsible for the Safety Management System of a New Zealand Aviation Company.
The mentoring duration is typically for a 12 month period, although this can be varied if required. There is a minimum period of 6 months, unless the mentoring is for a specific project (e.g. mentoring through a change).
Prior to entry, we offer a free initial contact to discuss your needs and what outcomes you want to get from the scheme.
After this, we will develop a mentoring program for you to help you to achieve your goals, both on a personal level and as a company.
We will identify any training or skills areas that you may need and assist in finding the best source for training that will fit you and your organisation.
We will assist you to develop plans to achieve your company’s safety goals and objectives.

The ultimate aim of the mentoring scheme is to enable your team to become more effective and therefore provide benefits that are immediately available to you. As the scheme is personalised, we are able to identify the most pressing issues that you have and direct the mentoring as appropriate.
The Costs
On-going fees for access – this will depend upon the results of the initial needs discussion that is held. Exact costs will be discussed and agreed upon prior to entry into the scheme.
Time for safety managers – this will be less than the safety manager struggling to resolve a situation that they are unfamiliar with or to develop a form/solution from scratch, leaving them to spend more time on what matters – the safety matters that are happening within your organisation.